Thursday, April 16, 2009

John Madden set to Retire

I just found this article saying the John Madden is going to retire from the booth.

I was a little surprised to hear it, but I do know that John is getting pretty old. I do think he was part of the best announcing team in the 90s when he was working with P.A.T. Summerall (Who’s real name isn’t Pat, but that’s what people called him because he was a kicker and came in for the P. oint A. fter T. ouchdown). This is when he was great at explaining the intricacies of the NFL in simple terms to the average sports fan.

In the 2000s John kind of became a glorified commentator who had almost become satire. Basically he had lost his touch. Instead of commentating on the intricacies that most people couldn’t notice, he started commentating on more obvious information.

Examples of which; My friends and I constantly joked, “If you don’t tackle the ball carrier, he’s not going to go down.” Or the overly obvious, “Whatever team scores more points, usually wins the game.”

All in all I am going to try to remember him for his better years in the 90s with P.A.T.

Now the big question at hand is, (well I know my colleague Fodor is extremely interested) what will become of the Madden Games Franchise? Will it continue? If it does, will they have Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth do the entire game but with John’s name on the cover?

If anybody knows, please let us know.

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